THREAD: Living the project

POSTED: 8 June 2022

Konstantina, Denise and Ergys report on their research and other THREAD related activities in a video that was produced by film-maker Anne Scheschonk and a team of WTV – Der Offene Kanal aus Wettin e.V., now available at THREAD's YouTube channel.

In the first two weeks, the video and its versions with Albanian subtitles, with English subtitles and with German subtitles had more than 750 views. Thanks to Anne Scheschonk and to WTV - Der Offene Kanal aus Wettin e.V. for doing an excellent job.

Ergys Çokaj (ESR 5) in THREAD: Living the project

"I think that when THREAD finishes, we will realise how much it has given to us. Now, that we're doing the PhD, we're not aware of how much we have taken from THREAD, all the skills, and trainings, besides the scientific part. But when it ends, we'll be rich, let's say, in our mind, and personality, I guess."
