It is the 25th of March, a new training with my international colleagues begins! These courses are the perfect occasion to know each other better, even if we are far away. The training is different from many of the previous ones. It talks about the future of each one of us, the sea of possibilities in front of us.
Here is the recipe to success with three awesome ideas from the group works: DeliverEase, DigitalCityWalker and PipesConnection.
First step, we start from a vague and theoretical idea: geospatial coordinates. Each group starts brainstorming: what are the geospatial coordinates? And how do we use them?
The time is over, now is the moment for external opinions. My group interviews Marielle on the subject, while I am the external viewpoint for another group. The morning session is going on fast.

The next step is the most delicate, complicated, but decisive in building a good idea. One has to find a necessity and fulfil it with the best solution. The first problem is the difficulty of delivery in the right place and time, the second one the absence of the street view service in Germany, and the third one the difficulty for distribution companies in locating their own and other's pipes.
Here are the solutions! An app where you can send a picture of the place where to deliver the package. A 3D rendering of the streets of Germany, avoiding privacy issues. Finally, a complete repository to geolocalise the pipes of all companies: gas supply, water supply, internet, etc.
The day is gone.

Fourth step, take everything and build a solid business model. Identify the customers, the partners, the costs and profits. This is not an easy step. Fortunately, on Friday afternoon, the session is based on the business model canvas.
We are at the end. Prepare an interesting, short and condensed presentation is the task of Saturday. Pitching ideas is crucial not only in business but also in any other fields. After refining the pitch during the day, we have the last presentation. Every speaker from the training joins this closing session. The three performances are well done and engaging, but the audience has decided. The PipesConnection group has performed better than the others!
Contributed by Denise Tumiotto (ESR 1)