The Scientific Committee of the 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) accepted the proposal of THREAD PIs Martin Arnold (Halle), Sigrid Leyendecker (Erlangen) and Dejan Zupan (Ljubljana) for a minisymposium on Numerical Modelling of Highly Flexible Structures for Industrial Applications. Four speakers, among them THREAD's Early Stage Researchers Martina Stavole (Erlangen) and Sudhanva Kusuma Chandrashekhara (Ljubljana), will present recent results on
- Augmented Lagrangian contact formulation of the 2D elastica (Martina Stavole, FAU)
- The velocity-based formulation for static and dynamic analysis of non-linear three-dimensional frames (Sudhanva Kusuma Chandrashekhara, Eva Zupan and Dejan Zupan, UL)
- Half-explicit time integration of constrained mechanical systems on Lie groups (Martin Arnold, MLU)
- Frequency-dependent damping as forcing on multisymplectic integrators (Rodrigo T. Martin de Almagro Sato, FAU)
The International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) is an international congress in the field of applied mathematics held every four years under the auspices of the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. The ICIAM 2023 congress (August 20-25, 2023) will be hosted by Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.