At the beginning of May, Fraunhofer ITWM in Kaiserslautern hosted a five-day training on experimental data acquisition for modelling and validation in industrial applications as part of THREAD's core research training.
A consistent part of the training was dedicated to the study of test rigs that are useful to perform torsion and bending experiments on cables as well as axial tensile tests on different specimens. Researchers at the Chair of Applied Mechanics (LTM) at University of Saarland, in Saarbrücken, guided us in the visit of the lab, where we were able to see and learn how such experiments are performed.

During the last part of the week we focused on identification of stiffness parameters using the MeSOMICS machine at ITWM. At first, we performed bending and torsion experiments on different slender structures (cable bundles, high voltage cables, … ), then we used the measured stiffness parameters to simulate and analyse industrial cases on the simulation software IPS.
From interesting discussions and presentations, we also deepened our knowledge on the theoretical background necessary to understand what is needed in order to set up experiments and interpret results.

Of course, the five days weren't all just work. On Thursday, we visited the Fun Forest in Homburg, an outdoor climbing park, where we had to strongly rely on highly flexible slender structures (aka ropes) and our own strength and courage. The rain made it a bit slippery and therefore harder but who doesn't like a challenge? Or as the French say ... challenge. Some even took the leap and ziplined across the lake.

In the evening, our international group took a trip around the world at masons, enjoying Tapas style small portions of dishes from five continents.

Contributed by Davide Manfredo (ESR 11) and Sarah Blaschke (project manager)