nwt 10: Complementary skills and RRI

POSTED: 15 October 2019

transferable skills

20 July 2020 - 21 July 2020 and 30 June - 01 July 2021
University of Ljubljana


Public speaking and scientific writing
Communication between science and industry
Outreach activities

This course offers training on complementary skills and RRI.


Public speaking workshop

Presentation to scientists / engineers and to general audience; communication through social media; explanations, discussions; brief speeches; handling questions and answers.

Scientific writing

Principles of good writing; workflow in scientific journals; peer review; ethical issues in scientific publications; participants will write and review abstracts.

Communication science – industry

Knowledge transfer; examples of good practice (innovation incubators, spinoffs, joint projects); C3M will present their real life experiences.

Workshop “Outreach” (PR team at UL)

How to bring knowledge in a timely fashion to the broad public?

News post 1

News post 2
