Mohammad Ali Saadat

ESR 6:
Mohammad Ali Saadat

joined the THREAD project in September 2020 (read his welcome message)

My name is Mohammad Ali Saadat, and I come from Iran. I obtained my master’s degree in Structural Engineering from Sharif University of Technology and my bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Shiraz University. I developed an interest in the field of computational mechanics in the final year of my bachelor’s studies, after taking the elementary finite element course. My knowledge in this field was deepened and broadened by taking several courses during my master’s. In the second year of my master’s studies, I started working on the crack propagation problem using different techniques, e.g. extended FEM (XFEM), continuum damage mechanics, etc.; and I worked on discontinuous and continuous computational homogenization of softening quasi-brittle materials for my thesis. After graduation, I worked as a research assistant for Michigan State University on development of a micro-mechanical model for the necking of double network gels. Through these years, I always enjoyed spending time to develop the codes that I use for my simulations.

Given my passion and background in nonlinear finite element modeling and programming, I believe modeling multi-wire cables is the perfect fit for me. Having the chance of cooperating with the other ESRs and the industrial partners of the project, and the international collaboration of THREAD are invaluable for me.

Mohammad Ali Saadat, September 2020

Host Institution
CentraleSupélec (France)


Taking into account frictional contact interactions between wires by means of a dedicated finite element simulation approach, the ESR will characterise the complex constitutive behaviour of multi-wire cables.

Expected Results

The study is aimed at determining nonlinear relationships between resultant quantities which are governed by internal mechanisms within cables. The nonlinear couplings between loadings in different directions due to internal frictional interactions will be explored and enlightened. Hysteretic effects within multi-wire cables are expected to be characterised by this approach. The characterisation of these dissipative effects is of first importance for the prediction of damage occurrence in cables used in various industrial applications.


planned at Principia (industrial partner)

associated with the Industrial Challenges

IC 3 Automotive engineering I
IC 7 Offshore engineering
IC 9 Software development


PhD thesis

Mohammad Ali Saadat (2024): Efficient simulation of bending behavior of spiral strands: a strategy based on computational homogenization. Université Paris-Saclay, see link

Articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals

  • Mohammad Ali Saadat, Damien Durville (2024): A rheological constitutive model to predict the anisotropic biaxial bending behavior of spiral strands subjected to variable axial force; International Journal of Solids and Structures 305, 113082; DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.113082, see also link
  • Mohammad Ali Saadat, Damien Durville (2023): A mixed stress-strain driven computational homogenization of spiral strands; Computers & Structures 279, 106981; DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2023.106981, see also link

Publications in conference proceedings

  • Davide Manfredo, Mohammad Ali Saadat, Vanessa Dörlich, Joachim Linn, Damien Durville, Martin Arnold (2023): Modelling the inelastic constitutive behaviour of multi-layer spiral strands: comparison of hysteresis operator approach to rheological model. In: Jorge Ambrósio, Paulo Flores, Carlos Quental, Hugo Magalhães (eds.): Proceedings of Multibody Dynamics 2023 (ECCOMAS Thematic Conference), Lisbon, Portugal, 24 – 28 July, 2023; pdf, see also link