THREAD ESRs will contribute two Young Researchers Minisymposia to the scientific programme of an international conference on the numerical solution of differential and differential-algebraic equations (NUMDIFF-16) in September 2021.
The first one with up to seven talks will focus on "Interactions of beam like structures in a 3D world" (Call for papers). It is organised by Narges Mohammadi (ESR 7), Konstantina Ntarladima (ESR 8) and Jan Tomec (ESR 9) who are supported by Jan's supervisor Gordan Jelenić (University of Rijeka).
Andrea Leone (ESR 4), Ergys Çokaj (ESR 5) and Martina Stavole (ESR 10) are preparing the second Young Researchers Minisymposium that is devoted to "Geometric numerical integration", again with up to seven talks (Call for talks and proceedings papers). Martina's supervisor Sigrid Leyendecker (Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg) will contribute her experience as a minisymposium organiser of a previous NUMDIFF conference.
The NUMDIFF conferences have a more than 30 years old tradition in bringing together world-leading scientists with young researchers, people from different parts of the world, participants with focus on basic research as well as others who are more interested in practical applications. NUMDIFF-16 will continue this series with 14 plenary lectures on various aspects of numerical solution methods for differential and differential-algebraic equations, minisymposia on fractional calculus, machine learning, stochastic evolution equations and computational fluid dynamics and a wide range of contributed papers.
The conference is supported by the German Science Foundation (DFG). There will be a proceedings volume that is published as a special issue of the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.