Another THREAD network-wide training was successfully completed. The Manifold and Geometric Integration Colloquia (MaGIC) took place in Ilsetra, Norway, from 28 February to 4 March 2022.
From the THREAD consortium, Denise Tumiotto (ESR1), Indrajeet Patil (ESR2), Andrea Leone (ESR4), Ergys Çokaj (ESR5) and Martina Stavole (ESR10), together with the PIs Elena Celledoni and Brynjulf Owren, were present and enjoyed all what MaGIC had to offer: good talks, very friendly international company, delicious food, ski experience, traditional sauna, outside pool experience, snow bath, amazing nature and much more.
The colloquia were organized in the usual way: two sessions per day, one in the morning and one in the evening, and one long lunch break in order to enjoy the outdoor activities in Ilsetra.
All the present ESRs gave talks and presented their work and results. For some of us it was the first on-site conference and it was such a valuable experience to get to know brilliant minds and share free time all together. In general, a professional talk is interesting but time to discuss is always limited due to the schedule, instead MaGIC gives the chance to broadly discuss with peers during breaks and social events. The informal environment is useful to feel more in touch with experienced researchers, for whom PhD students like us usually feel a sense of awe.
We all hope that for MaGIC 2023 more ESRs and PIs will join the event. It would indeed be interesting to have more talks from the THREAD community, especially for sharing with the audience our close connection between math and industrial applications.

A special hybrid social event was organized on Wednesday, March 2nd. The new ESR12, Muneer Ahmed had the chance to introduce himself and be welcomed by the THREAD community. Many ESRs, Martin Arnold, Tomaž Šuštar, Elena Celledoni, Brynjulf Owren, Sarah Blaschke as well as THREAD's close friends Davide Murari, Halvor Snersrud Gustad and James Jackaman joined the meeting.

Looking forward to MaGIC 2023 because MaGIC is simply cold and magic.

Contributed by Denise Tumiotto (ESR1), Indrajeet Patil (ESR2), Andrea Leone (ESR4), Ergys Çokaj (ESR5) and Martina Stavole (ESR10)