Martina Stavole

ESR 10:
Martina Stavole

joined the THREAD project in May 2020 (read her welcome message)

My name is Martina Stavole and I am an Italian Civil engineer graduated at University of Cassino and Southern Lazio. My passion for math and structural design brought me to study Civil engineering.
I broadened my experience in this field thanks to my semester at Budapest- BME where I worked on numerical methods, in the computational field and steel structures. Attending the New York International Summer School at Fordham University I became much more interested to seismic response and structural strengthening of historic buildings. Thanks to this experience, I decided to focus my research on seismic response studies, a topic which I covered as a researcher at University of Minho. There, I specifically analysed the dynamic response of compressed earth blocks (CEB). I deepened my knowledge of implementation and calibration of contact interfaces within several materials in detailed micro-modelling problems to study the local nonlinear behaviour of strengthening systems as a fellow researcher at University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, enjoying also the teaching and the tutoring activities.
The main driver behind my application to THREAD is the passion and the will to continue my career in an international and dynamic environment where I could address these topics with colleagues coming from different backgrounds. This experience represents a crucial chance for me to actively contribute to innovative projects with an effective impact on our everyday life.

Martina Stavole, May 2020

Host Institution
Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany)


The ESR faces the challenging research question of the development of a variational formulation of the interaction of beam with a layered cross-section structure with a surrounding that strongly limits its deformation. Based on multi-material cross-section models, the structure is to be optimised with respect to its mechanical properties. A structure preserving space time discretisation guarantees a realistic simulation respecting the geometrical properties of the system.

Expected Results

The proposed methods (including adaptivity techniques) enable an efficient and structure preserving simulation of beams in cases relevant for medical device operation. Effective cross-section properties are obtained from multi-material layered models and also characterised experimentally. Application in the simulation of medical device operation leads to a deepened understanding and eventually to an optimisation of the device and the process.


PhD thesis

Martina Stavole (2024): Experimental characterisation, modelling and simulation of composite highly flexible beams – Application to unloaded shafts of flexible endoscopes. Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals

    • Elena Celledoni, Ergys Çokaj, Andrea Leone, Sigrid Leyendecker, Davide Murari, Brynjulf Owren, Rodrigo Sato Martín de Almagro, Martina Stavole (2025): Neural networks for the approximation of Euler’s elastica; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 435, 117584; DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2024.117584, see also link

Publications in conference proceedings

  • Martina Stavole, Rodrigo Sato Martín de Almagro, Margus Lohk, Sigrid Leyendecker (2022): Homogenization of the constitutive properties of composite beam cross-sections. In: ECCOMAS Congress 2022 – 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering / Oslo, Norway; DOI: 10.23967/eccomas.2022.139