31 March 2024: End of the THREAD project

The THREAD project has now been completed successfully. Thank you all for a great time. We wish our Early Stage Researchers every success and all the best for their future careers in science, industry or wherever. The scientific results of the THREAD project are summarised in 26 publications in high-quality international journals with peer-review, click […]

Jan Tomec defends his PhD thesis on Friday 11 October 2024

Jan Tomec joined the THREAD network in April 2020 as ESR 9 under the supervison of Gordan Jelenić (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering, URFCE). Three years later, he was the first student who completed his 36-month ESR project in THREAD successfully (Stable long-term numerical integration of the Cosserat rod problem in large overall […]

Sudhanva Kusuma Chandrashekhara defends his PhD thesis on Tuesday 16 July 2024

In September 2020, Sudhanva Kusuma Chandrashekhara joined the THREAD network as ESR 14 at University of Ljubljana under the supervision of Dejan Zupan. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Visveswaraya Technological University (India) and a master’s degree in Computational Science and Engineering from the University of Rostock (Germany). On Tuesday 16 July […]

On Thursday 27 June 2024, Ergys Çokaj defends his PhD thesis

On his recently updated ESR 5 fellow webpage, Ergys reflects on his journey over the past four years: THREAD has enriched me with collaborative research experiences, exposing me to diverse scientific approaches and perspectives. Ergys joined us in June 2020 and worked under the supervision of Brynjulf Owren at NTNU Trondheim on topics like geometric […]

Andrea Leone defends his PhD thesis on Thursday 13 June 2024

In August 2020, Andrea Leone joined THREAD as ESR 4 at NTNU Trondheim under the supervision of Elena Celledoni. He completed a PhD thesis on Data-driven and geometric methods for mechanical systems in March 2024 and will now be the third ESR from the THREAD network who defends his thesis. The day starts with Andrea’s […]

THREAD is wonderful!

At the end of April, the European Commission invited young and old to its annual science fair Science is Wonderful! at Brussels. This year, the THREAD team from the University of Liège was selected to present its work on highly flexible structures at a booth entitled Discover the science of extremely flexible structures! On the […]

LEUCOREA Wittenberg was the perfect place for hosting THREAD’s final meeting

The final annual meeting of the THREAD network was held at the LEUCOREA Conference Centre in Lutherstadt Wittenberg (Germany) from Monday 5th to Wednesday 7th February 2024. Founded in 1502, at the time of Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon, LEUCOREA was the seat of the Electoral Saxon State University and one of the most renowned […]

Ali defends his PhD thesis

On Friday 9th of February, at 10 am, Mohammad Ali Saadat, THREAD’s ESR 6 (CS), will defend his PhD thesis Efficient simulation of bending behavior of spiral strands: a strategy based on computational homogenization in SD.206 at Bouygues building, CentraleSupélec, 9 Rue Joliot Curie, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette. His fellow ESRs from the THREAD project plan to […]

THREAD’s Annual meeting 2024

The THREAD project is now in its final phase. This year, most ESRs plan to complete and submit their PhD theses. On 5-7 February 2024, the network will have its Annual meeting 2024 at LEUCOREA Conference Center in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany. Ten ESRs report on the progress of their PhD projects and recent research results. […]

Defence of Marielle’s doctoral thesis

More than ten ESRs have already completed their 36-month projects in THREAD and are working hard to finalise their PhD theses in the near future. On Thursday 7 December, Marielle Debeurre (ENSAM) will be the first THREAD PhD student to defend her thesis supervised by Olivier Thomas. Marielle’s work in the ESR 13 project Nonlinear […]

International conference HFSS 2023 completes THREAD’s network-wide training programme

The International Conference on Highly Flexible Structures HFSS 2023 was held on 25-29 September 2023 in the beautiful port city of Rijeka, Croatia, as the final event of THREAD under network-wide training activity (nwt 4). The uniqueness of this event was the single-session setup of the conference room, due to which all the presentations and […]

THREAD at European Researchers’ Night 2023 in Rijeka

At the end of September, all members of the THREAD network met at URFCE in Rijeka for the International Conference on Highly Flexible Slender Structures HFSS 2023. Perfect opportunity to join afterwards European Researchers’ Night 2023 at the hall of Exportdrvo that has become a new cultural centre within the Rijeka 2020 – European Capital […]

Looking forward to THREAD’s final scientific conference HFSS 2023

The International Conference on Highly Flexible Slender Structures will be held between 25 and 29 of September 2023 at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Rijeka, Republic of Croatia. The conference will be organised as an ECCOMAS (European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences) Thematic Conference and an IACM (International Association for Computational […]

Warming up for THREAD’s Final conference

In about two months, the THREAD network will meet for its final conference HFSS 2023 in Rijeka. Time to warm-up at the 11th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics in Lisbon. Five Early Stage Researchers of the THREAD network report on their work being supported by another two ESRs as co-authors of their work: At […]

Industrial Workshop – fleXstructures GmbH in cooperation with Fraunhofer ITWM

The second industrial workshop was held in Kaiserslautern at the Fraunhofer Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM) on the 25th and 26th of May, 2023. Organized by fleXstructures GmbH in cooperation with Fraunhofer ITWM, it allowed Early Stage Researches (ESRs) and guests of THREAD to introduce themselves, present their topic and motivations to industrial partners […]

Simulations and experiments: Amol’s secondments with ITWM and CS

In February, Amol visited ITWM in Kaiserslautern to work with the local team. He was introduced to the IPS Cable Simulation software and developed an ODIN simulation code framework for torsion tests which can be used for basic torsion tests as well as basis for further testing. Unfortunately, a Covid-19 infection struck him so he […]

ECMI blog reporting on 25 years of MaGIC

The organisers of the MaGIC 2023 Manifolds and Geometric Integration Colloquium in Ilsetra hotel, Øyer, Norway report in ECMI’s blog on the history of the MaGIC colloquia and on the first days of MaGIC 2023 which is nwt 9c of THREAD’s network wide training programme. Their post is reproduced here (with permission): “The first time […]

Davide completes his personal secondment programme

My last secondment, which took place at MLU in Halle, has come to an end. During the month of February, I was able to work on one hand on the 2D and 3D implementation of a staggered grid Cosserat rod model, and on the other hand on the inclusion of an inelastic constitutive law in […]

Muneer finished his intersectoral secondment at URFCE

I was fortunate to initiate my first three months secondment at Rijeka University’s Faculty of Civil Engineering from 2 November 2022 to 2 February 2023. I worked under the supervision of Professor Gordan Jelenić and Assistant Professor Nina Čeh, and had the opportunity to have several interactions with PhD researchers and faculty members at URFCE. I […]

CISM course on model order reduction with contribution by Olivier Thomas

The International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM) in Udine, Italy, offers an Advanced Course on Model Order Reduction for Design, Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Vibratory Systems being organised by Cyril Touzé (Paris) and Attilio Frangi (Milano). Six lecturers will contribute to this one-week course (October 9-13, 2023), among them THREAD’s Principal investigator Olivier Thomas […]

One-day workshop on riser analysis

The one-day industrial workshop on riser analysis took place on 30 January 2023 at the Lysaker branch of TechnipFMC. The workshop was organized by NTNU and TechnipFMC, which is a global leader in energy projects, technologies, systems, and services, providing clients with deep expertise across subsea and surface projects. The workshop saw the participation of […]

THREAD contributes minisymposium to ICIAM 2023 Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics

The Scientific Committee of the 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) accepted the proposal of THREAD PIs Martin Arnold (Halle), Sigrid Leyendecker (Erlangen) and Dejan Zupan (Ljubljana) for a minisymposium on Numerical Modelling of Highly Flexible Structures for Industrial Applications. Four speakers, among them THREAD’s Early Stage Researchers Martina Stavole (Erlangen) and […]

Save the date: MaGIC 2023 (nwt 9c)

From 27 February to 3 March 2023, NTNU will host the 2023 edition of the Manifolds and Geometric Integration Colloquia (MaGIC) at Ilsetra Hotel, Øyer, Norway. In the three-day workshop, participants will hear and give talks about their research but also have the chance to explore the beautiful Norwegian landscapes on ski and enjoy social […]

Objectivity issue of 3D geometrically exact beam model: Ali’s secondment at PRINCIPIA

My three-month secondment, which was spanned over six months, unofficially started at the beginning of my PhD, after multiple discussions we had with the industrial partner of the project, PRINCIPIA. Through these discussions, I became familiar with DeepLinesTM, the software developed by PRINCIPIA to model offshore wind turbines and mooring lines. During my secondment, I […]

Secondment (mostly) in the dark: Denise finishes her visit at NTNU

Ten hours of daylight when I arrived, seven when I left. This is part of the magic of Norway. The days are shortening fast in autumn, and the light is different from any other place I have been before. Even the rain and the cold weather were not a downside of the time I spent […]

THREAD at Industrie-Tag Informations-Technologie

In this year’s edition of the Industrie-Tag Informations-Technologie (industry day information technology) at MLU, the first one after three years, Dr. Fabio Schneider-Jung from ITWM and our ESR 1 Denise Tumiotto gave a presentation about “Virtual securing of cables and hoses in the automotive development: real-time simulation of highly flexible structures”. They showcased the functionalities […]

Narges went to Lappeenranta for an industrial secondment at MEVEA Ltd.

As an important part of the THREAD project, I started my three months industrial secondment in July 2022 at MEVEA in Lappeenranta, Finland. This secondment was a good part of my study since I was able to advance my work at the same time enjoying my life in the north of Europe. During my stay, […]

Save the date: THREAD’s International Conference HFSS 2023 on Highly Flexible Slender Structures, 25 September – 29 September, 2023

A contribution of THREAD Early Stage Researchers to the European Researchers’ Night activities in Croatia (29 September, 2023) will be the final highlight of the International Conference HFSS 2023 on Highly Flexible Slender Structures, which will take place in Rijeka between 25 and 29 September 2023. The conference is part of THREAD’s network wide training […]

THREAD’s third annual meeting in Liège

The third annual meeting of THREAD was held from 26 to 28 September at the University of Liège. Each ESR had the opportunity to present the progress in their research project and decide future steps with the PIs. Time was also made for discussing ideas for joint research, and communication and dissemination activities. On Monday, […]

Martina visits Norway for her secondment at NTNU

My last secondment took place in Trondheim, Norway. Many people were involved in the collaboration NTNU-FAU, i.e. Elena Celledoni, Andrea Leone, Brynjulf Owren, Ergys Çokay and Davide Murari. We organized often meetings with Sigrid Leyendecker to discuss about our main goal: simulating beam mechanics in the framework of Neural Networks. It was interesting to see […]

THREAD at ECCOMAS Multibody Dynamics 2023 conference

Congratulations to our Principal investigators José Escalona (University of Seville), Johannes Gerstmayr (Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck) and Sigrid Leyendecker (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) who have been invited to present plenary talks at the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2023 conference (July 24 – July 28, 2023). Multibody Dynamics 2023 will be the 11th edition of the successful ECCOMAS Thematic Conference […]

August in Liège

Endoscopes are medical devices used to view and operate on the internal organs and vessels. In the bigger prospection of simulating these devices during operation, the importance of modelling the contact between the endoscope and the human body is clear. This was the main reason of my secondment at the Université de Liège where I […]

Summer in Amiens: Marielle finishes her industrial secondment

I recently finished my in-person split secondment at Valeo at the end of August and am very grateful to have had this opportunity. Valeo is a very large company, one of the largest companies in France and a major manufacturer of automotive components. Besides that, Valeo has a reputation for innovation and research and development […]

ECCOMAS approves THREAD’s network wide training event as Thematic conference on Highly flexible slender structures (HFSS 2023)

ECCOMAS, the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, is a scientific organization grouping together European associations with interests in the development and applications of computational methods in science and technology. Its Managing Board has approved THREAD’s network wide training event nwt 4 as one of 30 ECCOMAS Thematic conferences planned in 2023 on […]

Bringing together mathematicians and industry: Math meets Industry (nwt13)

On 2nd and 3rd of June, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norwegian Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation and European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry organized Math meets Industry, an event with an opportunity to bring together the doctoral researchers and faculty members from Norwegian math departments with industry representatives. In this […]

THREAD: Living the project

Konstantina, Denise and Ergys report on their research and other THREAD related activities in a video that was produced by film-maker Anne Scheschonk and a team of WTV – Der Offene Kanal aus Wettin e.V., now available at THREAD’s YouTube channel. In the first two weeks, the video and its versions with Albanian subtitles, with […]

Halle-Kaiserslautern-Erlangen-Trondheim-Oslo: Indrajeet’s scientific expedition

After an exciting period of secondment in Halle for one month, Indrajeet’s scientific expedition continues further to Kaiserslautern for the nwt3 event, which was immediately followed by a warm welcome in Erlangen, Germany by the team of LTD in Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) for the secondment period of 07.05.2022 – 31.05.2022. The first day started with […]

Fraunhofer ITWM in Kaiserslautern hosted three secondments between April and May 2022

ESR10, Martina, had the possibility to test the unloaded shafts provided by Karl Storz Estonia during her previous secondment. The purpose of this secondment was indeed the investigation of the stiffness parameters of such complex devices like endoscopes with the use of MeSOMICS at ITWM Fraunhofer. It was interesting and challenging to do some hands-on […]

One month in Halle with Konstantina, Ergys and Indrajeet

It has been an amazing journey with Indrajeet (ESR 2), Konstantina (ESR 8) and Ergys (ESR 5) together for the secondment in Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg in Halle (Saale), Germany. Each of the ESRs worked diligently in their part of doing collaborative research work, along with taking back great memories together from social events. Prof. Martin Arnold […]

Andrea and Jan’s secondment in Liège

Our one-month secondment at the University of Liège has passed very quickly. Working together with a local team of experts on robotics and dynamics was a very pleasant and beneficial experience. We had the opportunity to collaborate closely with ESR2 Indrajeet Patil and Prof. Olivier Brüls on topics related to our projects, namely contact mechanics […]

MaGIC 2022: a magic experience

Another THREAD network-wide training was successfully completed. The Manifold and Geometric Integration Colloquia (MaGIC) took place in Ilsetra, Norway, from 28 February to 4 March 2022. From the THREAD consortium, Denise Tumiotto (ESR1), Indrajeet Patil (ESR2), Andrea Leone (ESR4), Ergys Çokaj (ESR5) and Martina Stavole (ESR10), together with the PIs Elena Celledoni and Brynjulf Owren, […]

Studying Exudyn in the Alps: Narges’s secondment in Innsbruck

From February first until March, I did my secondment at the University of Innsbruck. In the first days, I visited the university and all the facilities such as the mechatronic lab. On the other hand, I started to become familiar and know how to work with Exudyn, which was an elaborated software with many interesting […]

Save the date: Annual meeting at Liège, 26 September – 28 September 2022

The THREAD team at University of Liège invites the consortium to its Annual meeting from 26 September to 28 September 2022. The 14 fellows (ESRs) will report on the progress of their research projects and the consortium will discuss next steps in the research workpackages as well as with respect to dissemination and communication activities. […]

Denise finishes her industrial secondment with fleXstructures

On 18 October, my industrial secondment in fleXstructures started. The company fleXstructures, based in Kaiserslautern, dedicates itself to the commercial and technical services of the software IPS cable simulations developed in Göteborg (Sweden). During my stay, I worked under the supervision of Michael Koch and Jiajun Gu. They both welcomed me and helped me learn […]

Research secondments boost scientific cooperation in the THREAD network

Year 2022 starts with a series of research secondments within the network. In a few days, Narges (THREAD’s ESR 7 from Seville) will go for one month to the University of Innsbruck. Afterwards, the MaGIC 2022 Colloquium on Manifolds and Geometric Integration in Ilsetra (Norway) will be the next highlight at network level. In March, […]

Circular Braiding: The Industrial Experience with Centexbel

Here we come to a successful end of an exciting industrial experience in Centexbel, Belgium. The hands-on experience with the circular braiding machine, its cutting-edge performance, the limitations as well as facing difficulties even to the extent of witnessing its breakdown has been a remarkable experience in the scientific pursuit. The secondment had been split […]