Research secondments boost scientific cooperation in the THREAD network

Year 2022 starts with a series of research secondments within the network. In a few days, Narges (THREAD’s ESR 7 from Seville) will go for one month to the University of Innsbruck. Afterwards, the MaGIC 2022 Colloquium on Manifolds and Geometric Integration in Ilsetra (Norway) will be the next highlight at network level. In March, […]

Circular Braiding: The Industrial Experience with Centexbel

Here we come to a successful end of an exciting industrial experience in Centexbel, Belgium. The hands-on experience with the circular braiding machine, its cutting-edge performance, the limitations as well as facing difficulties even to the extent of witnessing its breakdown has been a remarkable experience in the scientific pursuit. The secondment had been split […]

Konstantina’s secondment with industrial partner LEITNER

From 20 September to 20 December I had the luck to complete a three-month-long secondment in LEITNER company. LEITNER, a top manufacturer of ropeway systems, was the ideal environment for me to get an industrial experience in a field directly linked to my research topic. Investigating highly flexible axially moving beams with co-moving discrete masses, […]

Three THREAD related sessions at ECCOMAS Multibody Dynamics 2021 conference

From 12 December – 15 December, 2021 the 10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics was held at the University of Technology and Economics in Budapest, Hungary. Because of the pandemic situation in most European countries, the conference with its three plenary lectures and more than 140 contributed papers had to be organised in a […]

Advanced training on modelling and simulation of contact-friction interactions

CentraleSupélec, in Gif-sur-Yvette, France, was host to the one-week training (15 to 19 November) on “Modelling and simulation of contact-friction interactions in assemblies of rods / beams”. During this training, participants learned about different available approaches to treating frictional and non-frictional contact. During the first two days and a half, lectures were given by Damien […]

Learning about endoscopes in Estonia – Martina’s industrial secondment

My industrial secondment at Karl Storz ended. The aim of the internship was to study the stiffness parameters of endoscopes for modelling purposes through an experimental campaign carried out on several endoscopes. During these three months I learnt a lot more than what was planned at the beginning. The engineers and the workers from every […]

Sudhanva’s secondment with his industrial partner

In August of 2021, I was fortunate to start my secondment with our industrial partner in Ljubljana. Here at Chair of Mechanics, UL FGG, we have a strong industrial cooperation with the building materials research institute Igmat d.d. and I had the privilege to learn a lot through experimentation at their test facilities under the […]

Upcoming events: nwt8 and nwt9b

CentraleSupélec will be the host of nwt8 from 15 to 19 November 2021. The ESRs will learn about the modelling and simulation of contact-friction interactions in assemblies of rods / beams. The training consists of courses, practical work and a round-table discussion about the challenges in the choice of models for frictional contact interactions, and […]

Second annual meeting in Seville

Presentation of research results and discussion From 5th to 7th October, the second annual meeting of THREAD took place in the beautiful city of Seville, hosted at the facilities of the University of Seville (USE). During this time, each ESR presented their research results to the consortium as well as the current status of their […]

Annual meeting of THREAD in Seville

In less than two weeks, from 5 to 7 October, the THREAD consortium will meet in beautiful Seville for the second annual meeting, organised by the University of Seville. We will discuss not only the progress we have made so far in terms of research, training and communication but also the plan for the remaining […]

Marielle completes a two-month secondment to industry

In the spring of 2021, I was fortunate enough to be able to “officially” start my secondment with ENSAM’s industrial partner VALEO. The situation was made a bit more complicated due to the work-from-home mandate, but I was able to collaborate with the team of scientists at VALEO online via Google meets. The experience was […]

Denise’s and Jan’s secondment in Innsbruck: June / July 2021

Working at the University of Innsbruck has been a wonderful experience. The great team of mechatronics has welcomed us as part of the group since the beginning. During the days at the university, we were able to learn not only from Prof. Gerstmayr and ESR 8 Konstantina Ntarladima but also from the other PhD students […]

Network wide training on Communication, Knowledge transfer and Gender awareness

A three-day Network wide training programme on Communication, Knowledge transfer and Gender awareness was held at the University of Ljubljana between 30th June and 2nd July. Although the training was held as a hybrid event, most of the ESRs were able to attend it on-site which made it fruitful. On the day 1 we had […]

Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) hosts two secondments

Our 1-month secondment at Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) was a wonderful experience. We learned a lot from everybody at the Chair of Applied Dynamics. Working on discrete mechanics of beams was very useful for our individual projects in THREAD and all the discussions we had with the scientific staff at FAU were very valuable for us as young researchers.  We did […]

Two Young Researchers Minisymposia at NUMDIFF-16

THREAD ESRs will contribute two Young Researchers Minisymposia to the scientific programme of an international conference on the numerical solution of differential and differential-algebraic equations (NUMDIFF-16) in September 2021. The first one with up to seven talks will focus on “Interactions of beam like structures in a 3D world” (Call for papers). It is organised […]

New series of industrial secondments launched in May 2021

At the heart of THREAD’s comprehensive secondment programme are the industrial secondments with a length of three months. They are of high importance to fulfill the main objective of THREAD which is interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral training. The series of 14 individual industrial secondments was started by Jan in November 2020. Luckily despite of all known […]

Virtual event at Mevea Ltd. on Digital twins in engineering education

According to Wikipedia, digital twins are virtual representations that serve as the real-time digital counterpart of physical objects or processes. In engineering, they help to get deeper knowledge on existing systems and products and to predict and to optimise the performance of future products. On May 19th, 2021 THREAD’s industrial partner Mevea Ltd. (Lappeenranta, Finland) […]

Industrial workshop of PRINCIPIA SAS on modelling of offshore wind turbines

The industrial workshop of PRINCIPIA SAS, on modelling of offshore wind turbines, was held online on April 15-16, 2021. This workshop was organized by CentraleSupélec and PRINCIPIA SAS. PRINCIPIA is an engineering company specialized in oil & gas engineering, marine renewables energies, naval harbour engineering and nuclear activities. The workshop was focused on the software […]

Future Leaders

It is the 25th of March, a new training with my international colleagues begins! These courses are the perfect occasion to know each other better, even if we are far away. The training is different from many of the previous ones. It talks about the future of each one of us, the sea of possibilities […]

Mug and bag with Halle University lion for Leone

Two online courses in a row, no joint coffee breaks, no small talk … but goodie bags from MLU‘s Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office that were sent by parcel to all our ESRs. Not all of them arrived in time for unboxing at the closing session of nwt 12 course but finally the parcels found their […]

End of March 2021: Two online courses combined in one week

THREAD’s network wide training programme is continued by online courses on Research ethics, Research valorisation and Entrepreneurship (nwt 12 on March 25, 26 and 27) and Textile engineering and Cable harnesses (nwt 7 on March 29, 30 and 31). The course on Research ethics, Research valorisation and Entrepreneurship is hosted by the Transfer and Entrepreneurship […]

Davide Murari (NTNU) attended MaGIC 2021 at Ilsetra, Øyer, Norway

The network wide training nwt 9, Manifolds and Geometric Integration Colloquia (MaGIC), took place during the first week of March 2021. Unfortunately, for most people it was not possible to join it in Norway, but it still was a very interesting training. Throughout the 3 days of talks, we had the possibility of learning about […]

MaGIC 2021

MaGIC moments

The Manifolds and Geometric Integration Colloquia (MaGIC 2021) started at Ilsetra, Øyer, Norway as a hybrid physical and digital event with contributions by 8 ESRs from the THREAD consortium. The tradition of the MaGIC meeting is to do some skiing in the middle of the day. The organisers encourage everyone, in the good MaGIC style, […]

LEITNER workshop

Toni Jelušić’s report on the workshop dealing with ropeway systems

On February 25 & 26, 2021 the members of the THREAD network participated in an online workshop dealing with ropeway systems: “THREAD Industrial workshop with Leitner”. The event was organized by the University of Innsbruck and the company Leitner. Leitner is a company specialized in rope-hauled passenger transport systems and an industrial partner of the […]

Two-day workshop on current questions in ropeway systems

THREAD’s next Industrial Workshop is held on February 25th and 26th. The online workshop is organised by teams from the University of Innsbruck and LEITNER. We are very grateful to the the employees of company LEITNER and its partners for providing us with detailed insight into their technical products, especially during the pandemic which is […]

Jan completed his industrial secondment at SPACE-SI, Ljubljana

I was looking forward to the secondment at SPACE-SI from the start of the project. They are breaking new ground in Slovenia and elsewhere with their space application technology. I saw this as an opportunity to learn a lot about the specifics of this field but also as part of the so needed networking that […]


Andrea Leone (ESR 4) and Ergys Çokaj (ESR 5) report on nwt 6

The advanced research network wide training 6 “Geometric numerical integration and Lie group integrators” organized by our host institution, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), from 1st to 9th February, has been successfully completed. It was a fully digital event divided in two main parts: Structure preserving and geometric numerical integration of differential equations […]


Save the date: Industrial Workshop with LEITNER ropeways at the end of February

THREAD‘s industrial workshop with LEITNER ropeways will be held on February 25-26, 2021. Due to the pandemic, it will be fully online and the organisers will do their best to provide insights into ropeway systems. Talks by LEITNER on the first morning will be followed by an afternoon workshop with ESRs to place their research […]

MaGIC 2021: Workshop on Manifolds and Geometric integration goes online

The annual informal workshop, Manifolds and Geometric Integration Colloquia (MaGIC) is organized by the Numerical Analysis groups in Bergen and Trondheim. This year MaGIC will be organised in a hybrid digital / physical setting in the week March 1 to 5, 2021. Due to recent travel restrictions the organisers invite all the non Norwegian participants […]

nwt6 webpage at NTNU

nwt6 starting soon

On Monday, February 1st the online course on Geometric integration and Lie group methods (nwt6) will start at NTNU. The local website is now online. It is still under construction and will be regularly updated with new information.

Sophus Lie

nwt 6 as online course at NTNU in February

The next network-wide training will be organised by NTNU in Trondheim as an online event from 1 to 9 February 2021. The participants will learn about geometric integration (Elena Celledoni, NTNU) and Lie group integration (Brynjulf Owren, NTNU) with lectures in the morning and exercises in the afternoon. There will be an intermediate day with […]

nwt group photo online meeting

Davide Manfredo (ESR 11) reports on nwt 2

The core research training nwt 2 “Virtual product development with interactive simulation of flexible structures” has come to an end and we all had a great experience. The training started with an introduction to the IPS product portfolio, with a general overview to the simulation software and the development teams behind it: Fraunhofer ITWM, fleXstructures, […]


Croatian THREAD partners listed at Net4Mobility+

THREAD has been included by Net4Mobility+ as a successful example of an MSCA project partly conducted in widening countries. Net4Mobility+ stands for facilitating transnational cooperation among the National Contact Points (NCP) in Horizon 2020: For more details, read the success story of THREAD fellow Jan Tomec (ESR 9) and the success story of his […]

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nwt 2 in December

The next network-wide training will be organised by Fraunhofer ITWM as an online event from 7 to 11 December 2020. The participants will learn about cutting-edge CAE technology used in industry in early product design phases and gain insights how simulation models can be applied in practice. Hands-on sessions with studies performed on industrial use […]

nwt 1 part 2 1

Narges in Lille – nwt 1 part 2

Narges Mohammadi (ESR 7) went to Lille for her first on-site network-wide training. This is what she experienced: “nwt 1 part 2 was a different course for me since it was my first on-site nwt and my first in-person meeting with other THREAD members. I was the only external ESR in this nwt but I […]

industrial workshop flexstructures 2

Industrial workshop with fleXstructures

“After THREAD’s Annual Meeting and Mid-term Check, we took part in our first industrial workshop organized by fleXstructures GmbH at Fraunhofer ITWM in Kaiserslautern. Mr. Daniel Dengel, application engineer of the company, showed us their activities and collaborations with other industries all around the world and the main research projects they are working on. Mr. […]

annual meeting group photo screenshot

First annual meeting and mid-term check meeting

From 19 to 22 October, the consortium met for our first annual meeting, combined with the mid-term check meeting but, due to the pandemic, only four ESRs, three PIs and the management team were able to meet at Fraunhofer ITWM in Kaiserslautern, Germany in person. Everyone else joined online. Nevertheless, we made the best out […]

Secondment ESR8 3

Konstantina’s secondment in Rijeka

In the middle of September my secondment in Croatia started. I spent a month in the University of Rijeka. I tried to gain the most out of my experience working in an inspiring environment and being surrounded by researchers working on state-of-the-art finite element techniques on non-linear dynamics and computational mechanics. The PhD group of […]

science festival rijeka

Science festival in Rijeka spreads the passion for science through culture

The science festival in Rijeka is an annual event in Rijeka that tries to bring science closer to the general public. Usually it consists of lectures delivered by the volunteering researchers and professors all around the city of Rijeka and beyond. This year however, we were confined to the more (or less) comfortable chairs of […]

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THREAD’s first annual meeting and mid-term check meeting

We’re happy to be the guests at Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern, Germany for our first annual meeting which will take place between 19 and 22 October 2020. On the second day, we will have the mid-term check meeting. Our project officer from the Research Executive Agency will join in virtually from Brussels to meet the consortium […]

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nwt 1 part 2 in October

The first part of nwt 1 took place in summer and due to the pandemic as a pure online event. The second part will now take place from 26-28 October 2020 at Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology, Lille, France. A live video stream will be available for those participants who cannot attend personally because […]

nwt5 lecture

nwt 5: Summer school on ropes and cables was a complete success

The objective of the nwt 5 has been to train participants on the advanced simulation of ropes and cables. The contents included the absolute nodal coordinate formulation, ALE formulation, geometrically exact beams, and the efficient computer implementation, specifically with regards to open source simulation codes. Additionally, the local frame approach and Lie group methods have […]

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nwt 5: A guest’s perspective

Stefan Hante, a PhD student from Martin Luther University Halle, took part as an external participant in nwt 5 and shares his experience of the week in Austria. “The network wide training nwt5 took place in the first week of September 2020. Not only did everybody learn a lot about beam models, Lie groups and […]